Actors, singers, musicians and dancers wanted for collaborative theatre production SHOES at DLWP
Hallucinating Angels is a local Community Art and Theatre Collective whose previous productions at the De La Warr Pavilion and around Bexhill include We Are For Sale (2012) and Band of Gold (2013) The collective’s signature practice is combining community life with creative risk.
They recently spent four weeks in the old Dreams Showroom talking to and filming local people’s stories about their shoes and the journeys they’d made in them. Those fascinating and diverse tales will form the basis of their next production SHOES which will be performed in De La Warr Pavilion Theatre on November November 5th 2014.
The SHOES company needs actors, singers, musicians and dancers. All levels of skill and experience are welcome, there are no auditions as such. You will be guaranteed an enjoyable experience with an opportunity to learn about collaborative theatre.
Find out more at an introductory meeting to be held at the De La Warr’s studio on 14 September from 11 am until 1 pm.
For background information please visit:
Posted by Ryan Coleman on Wednesday 27 August 2014