We all want the world to be beautiful. We want scribes and songbirds to tell us so – and sometimes they do and then it is. They point their pens and focus their lens where they will and surprise us to our soul. On Your Own Love Again is a record that does it to us, with songs from a spine-thrilling new place and a gifted young singer with her own musical logic.
What makes On Your Own Love Again new? Everything, and yet everything woven so subtly into the presentation leaves you unaware that you have been modulated upon. On On Your Own Love Again Jessica is fully alive in a space all her own; with isolation in the breeze, the sound resonant in the natural light and a gauze of clouds in the sky, under which she can relax and let herself be.
“Pratt is a young songwriter with a decidedly old soul and a voice that balances spry sweetness with husky grit….those with a more patient ear will find her a worthy and quietly distinct heir of Baier, Bunyan, and Dalton’s homespun sound.” Pitchfork Album Review, 7.5
Support Act: Kristin McClement
£12 adv, £14 door
U14’s to be accompanied