Young Architects (12-17 years)
Friday 3 June
10.30am – 4.30pm
In the Studio

General: £25
Concession: £15 for those eligible for free school lunches

Are you aged 12-17 years old with an interest in architecture and design? 

This half-term break join architecture students from University of Brighton and artist Sharon Haward for an intensive one day workshop!

Observe and analyse architecture student’s design and making techniques in the rooftop foyer exhibition MicroPavilions

Discuss the function, style, materials and character of the micro pavilions and other innovative micro buildings including tree houses, pods and kiosks

Explore basic engineering principles, experiment with materials and fixings, and sketch and build temporary shelters.

Only limited space available, book now to avoid disappointment!

Please bring a pack lunch on the day

Led by artist Sharon Haward