Joseph Beuys at the De La Warr Pavilion

From 4 July – 27 September we will be showing the work of German artist Joseph Beuys (1921-86), as part of ARTIST ROOMS on tour with The Art Fund.

As part of our interpretation programme we are working with five artists to explore, discuss and interrogate Beuys’s work and ideas: Susan Diab, Sharon Haward, Kevin Graal, Bern O’Donoghue and Michaela Ross.

You can:

  • Engage with our interactive Information Booth.
  • Join one of our artist team for a personal perspective of the exhibition (alternate Saturdays at 2pm)
  • Participate in the discussion in Speakers’ Corner (see below)

See our website for full details of events and activities.
Weekly summaries of conversations and discussions generated by the exhibition will be posted here.

Speakers’ Corner, near London’s Marble Arch, is the spiritual home of the British democratic tradition of free public speech and soapbox oratory. During the exhibition Beuys Is Here at the De La Warr Pavilion, we will be creating our own Speakers’ Corner in recognition of Joseph Beuys’s use of dialogue and discussion as part of his work.

On Saturday afternoons at 3.30pm during the exhibition, you are invited to hear speakers from a variety of backgrounds and interests, inspired by the ideas of Joseph Beuys. The speakers will have the floor for 15 minutes then the discussion will open up. A full list of speakers will be available on our website.

Posted by Ryan Coleman on Tuesday 30 June 2009