The Blueprint Collective is actively seeking new members.

We are the Blueprint Collective, a group of young people 16 – 22 years old who aim to develop creative and leadership skills, produce cultural reviews and events, and make change happen!

This summer ’24 we are undertaking an exciting new creative environmental project funded by, and part of ‘Grow Wild’ with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Across June and July we will be working with artists Beccy Mcray and Mark Thomas to create new planters for DLWP rooftop.

We are looking for new members to join us for this exciting project, drop us an email to take part or come along to our pizza party meet and greet session on 26 May.


Project Timeline

26 May; Pizza Party, meet and greet session with L&P Assistant Miguel Martin

9 June; Launch of Grow Wild programme and workshop with Beccy.

23 June; Crazy Poster Creating

14 July; Planter making and creating day with artists. Planter showcase!


Beccy McCray is an Artist-Activist whose intersectional climate and nature-focused practice seeks to playfully break down boundaries between art, activism and everyday life. She has extensive experience in workshopping and outreach, partnering with grassroots communities alongside science experts and world-leading cultural institutions, using whatever media necessary to create moments of joy and imaginative acts of resistance.

Mark Thomas (Makermark) is an award-winning furniture designer and maker based in Bexhill-on-sea. He uses traditional craftsmanship to make contemporary furniture and other creations.

In 2023 we:

Collaborated with Flatland Future Artists and had an exhibition at Flatland Projects, Beeching Road.

Partnered with CAMHS East Sussex and had an exhibition at St Annes CAHMS Unit, Conquest Hospital, Hastings.

Created an installation for Bexhill After Dark Festival

Decorated the Pavilion for DLWP’s Colours Festival

Research trip to Eastbourne visiting Towner Gallery, Devonshire Collective and public sculpture as part of Eastbourne Alive and Turner Prize.

A wide variety of workshops led by artists including;

– Graffiti workshop creating a collaborative mural with artist Abraham. O;
– Lino Cut workshop creating tarot cards with artist Alexi Marshall;
– Fashion workshop with artist Erin Lewis;
– Watercolour painting workshop on the Bexhill Beach;
– Winter decoration making with Radiator Arts


Sound like fun? To find out more about how join the group, please email

In 2022 we:
  • Collaborated with artists RESOLVE Collective and helped create the exhibition Lido; 28 May – 4 September 2022.
  • Curated a Pavilion Late event titled ‘Beyond Bloom’, an evening of dreamy surrealism, which celebrated the growth and progression of young people particularly those moving on from the collective. ‘Beyond Bloom’ featured the performers Paris Blue, Loula and Aimee Staples.
  • Research trips to Mallydams RSPCA, Hastings Contemporary, The Yard Artists Studios, Beeching Road Studios and Towner Eastbourne.
  • Workshops led by a wide variety of facilitators including:
    • Creative Computing Workshop with Jazmin Morris In Collaboration With Tech Yard.
    • Mapping the interconnections, to the local and global systems, ecosystems and worlds around us with artist Sam Ayre.
    • Curating with Joseph Constable, Head of Exhibitions, DLWP.
    • Fundraising in the Arts with Dan Scales, Fundraiser, DLWP.
    • Climate Hack Lab: ‘The Manifesto Of Re-Wilded Youth!’ with artist Beccy Mccray.
    • ‘Sea And Rocks, Body And Bones’, photography and painting workshop artist Miroslava Vecerova.
    • Photography Workshop led by artist Lynn Weddle.

The Blueprint Collective emerged from the work of the Young Creatives, 2016 – 2021