daring-do . . . .

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Saturday afternoon and the Interpretation activity this week is to try and capture the sense of ‘daring-do’ embodied in some of the work by Shaun Gladwell. The exhibition reflects various strands of contemporary culture from beat box, hop hop to local folklore-ish traditions and the more urban concerns of BMX bikes and skateboard ramps. The visitors to the De La Warr were invited to imagine they were performing a daring stunt on a skateboard / surfboard in front of a tumultuous sea and were photographed pulling off their amazing feats.

As can be seen in the photos people of all ages were willing to have a go at testing their ability to look like they are pulling off an audacious stunt !  The consensus throughout the afternoon was that Cycles of Radical Will is an appealing and exciting exhibition, which might inspire all those with bikes, scooters and skateboards mouldering in dark cupboards or rusting up in garden sheds, to get them out and take them for a spin.  The most popular exhibit was the sleek and showroom-ready motorbike in the foyer.

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