Are you aged 11 – 16 or do you know someone that is?
Do you live in Sidley? Do you like music, art, dance or drama?
Do you want to create activities for you and other young people to enjoy?

We are inviting young people to join our creative youth club and work with an artist to design events and creative activities in the local area.

Applications are now open! APPLY HERE

What do we mean by creative?
We’re not just talking about traditional art forms like music, dance, art, or drama – creativity can be found in all kinds of activities.

Whether you love gaming, putting together your outfits, cooking, sports, solving problems, or even expressing yourself through social media or planning events, this project is for you.

Whatever most excites you, we want your ideas to bring to the Sidley community.


Applications close 6pm Friday 14 February 

Information session at Earl’s Café (21 Ninfield Rd, Sidley, Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 5AE)

Wednesday 29 January
3.30 – 6pm

Come to Earl’s Café for drinks, snacks, activities and more information about the project. LET US KNOW YOU CAN COME.

Creative Sidley is a De La Warr Pavilion project for young people ages 11-16 who live in Sidley supported by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

This project is working with Heart of Sidley, the Pelham, Earls Mercantile Café, Beeching Road Studios, The Sara Lee Trust, Flatland projects and Talent Accelerator.