Alice’s Adventures in Aerialand is a family show that has been developed to be accessible for all, including those living with dementia (a dementia friendly show) and additional needs.
FREE, from 2-3pm
The Dot Collective’s NEW Aerial circus adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s story reminds us of that time growing up, when everything is contradictory; when you move into a world that seems unfair, with absurd rules and regulations which seems pure madness…
The show is a story of wonder and nonsense laced with lethal wit, of games, of riddles and conundrums, of questions with no answers, but above all of magic and adventure in which everyone can lose themselves and revel in the nonsense.
Thrilling, exciting and full of wonder (and aerial!) this is a universal tale that reaches out to everyone.
There will be a post show informal workshop where audiences are able to interact with the equipment in a safe and controlled nature, led by our qualified aerial teachers/performers who are also trained in dementia awareness, working with neurodiversity and DBS checked.
There is no need to book, but we advise you register your attendance via the booking link so we can contact you with any change of arrangements due to weather.
Limited seating is available – to guarantee seating , please bring your own.
The show will go ahead in normal rain or shine conditions. If the weather becomes extreme and poses risks to the actors and audience, then customers will be contacted by email and messages on social media.
Sponsored by the Bexhill Dementia Action Alliance
About The Dot Collective
The Dot Collective was formed in 2016 to provide innovative theatre of a high, professional standard that’s accessible and cognitively stimulating for those living in care, particularly those living with dementia.
We facilitate sensory activities and professional theatre that create in-the-moment joyful experiences, reconnecting people with their history, uniting families, reducing isolation and improving the provision of creative activities and ultimately, improving the quality of life in care.
We tour professional productions that pop up in the living rooms, dining rooms and gardens of residential care, as well as providing accessible, dementia friendly theatre performances for dementia peer groups, cafes and community spaces. With a professional team, we transform spaces, immersing our audiences into the world of the play bringing the aesthetics that one would expect when going to the theatre. Our theatrical, storytelling workshops link those in care with creative professionals to write new plays inspired by the memories of our participants, getting their voice heard and raising a positive awareness of dementia through the arts.
With all our activities, we aim to reduce isolation, anxiety and depression, increase cognitive and social stimulation, offer in the moment joyful experiences and ultimately improve the quality of life for those in care and those who are caring. Even if just for a moment.