Have you ever wanted to view the world in a different way?

How about upside-down, or directly at the sun without hurting your eyes!

Then what you need is a chance to make your very own hand-built device that can do all those things!

It’s called a Camera Obscura, and it’s a little box or “dark chamber” invented 800 years ago, with a view-finder that you can peer through to reflect the bright outside world, directly inside the dark box! Intrigued? Then join artist Lynn Weddle this Art Sunday to turn YOUR world upside-down, let’s make a CAMERA OBSCURA!


Art Sundays are free drop-in creative workshops that take place on the first and third Sunday of every month, open to all ages.

Each week, the workshops will be led by an artist taking inspiration from our exhibitions programme.

You can find Art Sundays in the Rooftop gallery from 2pm – 4.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you there.