Abel Holsborough

For chosen families. e.g. partners, friends, children, mentors, loved ones. These are the people who support, understand and love you unconditionally, even without biological ties.

Artist Abel Holsborough is inviting up to 10 families to take photographs of and with the ones you love, reflecting on Mike Silva’s use of photographic archives and the sentimentality of simple moments with people and places. The resulting photographs will form part of a workshop on 8 December.

This project will follow the below structure:

  • Please get in touch with learning@dlwp.com by 25 November to be sent a camera pack out to your home.
  • Disposable camera’s will be sent out between the 6 and 25 of November and you are invited to take photographs of important people, spaces or moments in your life.
  • There will be a stamped return envelope to send these back to the De La Warr Pavilion by a deadline of Friday 29 November.
  • We will get your photos developed and you will be able to see them at the workshop with Abel on Sunday 8 December.
  • If you have any questions please ask Maya at learning@dlwp.com.

On Sunday 8 December from 11am-1pm, artist Abel Holsborough will welcome you to a workshop, working with your developed photographs. This will be your first opportunity to see your photos.

All dates and deadlines will be sent to participating families with their camera pack.

As this project involves commitment to taking photos with your disposable (provided), sending back the camera and taking part in the workshop on Sunday December 8, please express interest if you want to take part in all of the different parts. Express interest by emailing learning@dlwp.com.

This workshop is open for up to 10 families, if you’d like to join, please get in touch and we will get back to confirm details.

There is also an open family drop in for all ages on Sunday 8 December from 2.30pm – learn more