Coming To Our Census

Is a census really the best way to find out about who and how we live in the UK?
Are they asking the right questions?
Who is they?
Who feels safe enough to engage with it?

Artist Anna-Maria Nabirye’s approach to these questions will be to explore these, and more, with a series of informal conversations taking place online and in real life.

A Pop-up Pop-in space at Afri-Co-Lab , 3 Marine Court St Leonards, on  17 & 18 April,  (11am-4pm) will be a place to provoke our imaginations and capture a response in real life.

These will be followed by this online event on 25 April, that will share these captured responses and imagined alternatives, along with an open live conversation with a cross section of those who participated in the project, meeting to share their thoughts about how the information gathered could best serve our community.

In March 2021, the census for England & Wales took place. The census is a ‘snapshot of society’ organised by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years. The results of questionnaires sent to households inform the way local authorities and the government plans and funds local services including education and healthcare provision. Many people feel alienated by government structures, or don’t want to take part – what does this mean for society?

Through research and conversation with people and organisations in the neighbourhood with a focus on our Black and People of Colour communities, multidisciplinary artist, actor, and director Anna-Maria Nabirye invites you to ask: is a census really the best way to capture information about a country’s citizens? Perhaps there is a way that population surveys can provide a more empathetic way of knowing who we are as individuals and as a community, locating information that can help to break barriers that exist between us and the institutions that serve us.
