YOUR art in OUR windows!
Everyone can join in!
5 April – 3 May
We invite you to take part in Firstsite gallery’s Great Big Art Exhibition, the biggest art exhibition in the UK!
All you have to do to take part is to draw or paint anything on these two themes, using A4 or A3 paper:
Draw the Future
And we will fill our windows with artwork made by you!
Whether you are a doodler or a dabbler, a complete first-timer or an old hand, all ages and abilities are welcome to join in!
To take part, post your picture in the Big Art Box on the Pavilion terrace (the side by the sea) Mon – Fri, 10am – 5pm from 5 April.
Please add your name, postcode and email address on the back of your picture.
If you can’t get to the Pavilion, then post your work to us at Great Big Art Exhibition, De La Warr Pavilion, Marina, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex TN40 1DP
If you need some help to get started, watch these two short videos below from local artist John Tyson and discover how easy it is to draw! John shows us how to draw a daffodil, but that’s only a suggestion. We encourage you to draw your favourite spring flower using some of his top tips below or get inspiration from the Blooming Marvellous : Look at Flowers in Art gallery here.
If you decide to go for Drawing the Future, then we look forward to seeing your imagination go wild, with no limits on what you can draw or paint!
For even more ideas and activities from artists and national museums, visit firstsite.uk and download The Great Big Art Exhibition free activity pack.
Firstsite invite you to share your picture in their Firstsite online gallery here.
All you have to do is
- Take a photo of your artwork before posting in the box
- Post it on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook
- Use the hashtag #TheGreatBigArtExhibition2021
- Include your name, the closest town or city to where you live and a few words about your artwork.
- Post in the box!
By submitting your artwork in the box or online to #TheGreatBigArtExhibition2021 you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions (see below)
Unfortunately, we cannot return artwork.
Getting Started: Watch this video where artist John Tyson shows you three easy drawing techniques to get you started!
Drawing a Daffodil : A beginner’s guide
DLWP Terms & Conditions
• By submitting your artwork, you are agreeing to us displaying it in our windows from 5 April – 7 May 2021.
• Please add your name, email address and postcode on the reverse of your artwork. (email and address will not be made public). We will email you once, at the end of the project using that address.
• The copyright of the Artwork remains with you and you will be credited by DLWP according to how you identify yourself on the reverse of the artwork. The credit will not include your postcode or email address.
• DLWP shall be entitled to use an image of the Artwork, or part of the Artwork to promote or report on the De La Warr Pavilion’s work in print and online across a range of media applications including (but not limited to) e-newsletters, twitter, facebook, instagram websites, flyers and brochures in perpetuity
• We regret that artwork submitted as part of the Great Big Art Exhibition cannot be returned.
• We have no responsibility for any theft/loss and/or damage to your artwork, however caused.
• You confirm that to the best of your knowledge and belief you own and control all the rights in and to the Artwork;
• You must not include any third party material in your Artwork unless you have obtained permission from the rights holder for it to be included and for it to be used as set out in these terms;
• You must not include anything defamatory, illegal, infringing, hateful, obscene or offensive in your Artwork;
• Submitting your artwork to us does not guarantee that your artwork will be featured and/or be included in our window gallery.
Read our full data protection policy here
You acknowledge and agree that neither we nor any of our assignees or licensees shall have any liability to you for any loss or damage arising out of the use of your Artwork in accordance with these terms to the extent permitted under applicable law.
You agree that our rights under these terms may be freely licensed and/or assigned by us.
These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English and Welsh law and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Firstsite Terms and Conditions
These apply if you submit your artwork via social media to #thegreatbigartexhibition2021
By submitting your Artwork to The Great Big Art Exhibition you irrevocably and unconditionally agree that Firstsite (and third parties authorised by us):
• may use your Artworks as part of The Great Big Art Exhibition and in any way we see fit in any and all media throughout the world in perpetuity without further liability or acknowledgement to you (and you hereby give us all necessary consents and waivers, (including waivers or moral rights) for such purposes);
• may identify you by name, your social media name and use these and the Artworks that you submit for publicity, marketing and advertising for The Great Big Art Exhibition and other connected
material as we so elect;
• shall be entitled to edit, crop, and adapt your Artwork in any way in our sole discretion;
• shall be entitled to display the Artwork via any medium as part of an Exhibition at Firstsite and other chosen locations at our discretion in connection with The Great Big Art Exhibition;
• shall be entitled to use an image of the Artwork, or part of the Artwork to promote and publicise The Great Big Art Exhibition, including future presentations of The Great Big Art Exhibition at
Firstsite and other chosen locations at our discretion;
• The copyright of the Artwork remains with you but Firstsite will have the right to use it in perpetuity throughout the world. You must comply with the following:
• You confirm that to the best of your knowledge and belief you own and control all the rights in and to the Artwork;
• You must not include any third party material in your Artwork unless you have obtained permission from the rights holder for it to be included and for it to be used as set out in these terms;
• You must not include anything defamatory, illegal, infringing, hateful, obscene or offensive in your Artwork;
• Submitting your artwork to The Great Big Art Exhibition does not guarantee that your Artwork will be featured and/or be included within The Great Big Art Exhibition;
• If you are under 13 you will need a parent/guardian to submit your artwork via social media.
• If you include any children in your Artwork you must have parental/ legal guardian permission to do this;
Firstsite is registered as a data processor in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. We will process your personal data, such as your name,
contact details, age etc (including any Special Categories personal data such as your political opinion or religious belief) which may be expressed on your Artwork) in accordance with these terms, our
privacy policy (https://firstsite.uk/privacy-policy/) and the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation. You acknowledge and agree that neither we nor any of our assignees
or licensees shall have any liability to you for any loss or damage arising out of the use of your Artwork in accordance with these terms to the extent permitted under applicable law.
You agree that our rights under these terms may be freely licensed and/or assigned by us.
These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English and Welsh law and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.