Pre-book your time slot to guarantee entry on this day: Wednesday 29 July.

Please read the below information carefully before visiting.

If you are displaying any symptoms of coronavirus, please do not come in.

Because of our limited capacity, please leave by the end of your timeslot.

Your ticket is not a reservation for a table in the Cafe. Please go to the Cafe entrance and wait to be seated at the next available table.


This ticket give you free access to the following:

  • Exhibitions
    Zadie Xa: Child Of Magohalmi And The Echoes Of Creation
    Marc Bauer: Mal Etre/Performance
  • Café Bar
    10am – 12noon: drinks, homemade cakes and pastries
    12.30 – 2.30pm: lunch service only. Click here to see sample menu.
    3pm – 4pm: drinks & homemade cakes (last orders 3.30pm)
  • Shop
    A limited number of people can visit the shop at one time.
  • Music’s Not Dead
    Bexhill’s independent Record Store is in the foyer
  • Terrace Bar
    Open Friday – Sunday, 10am – 4pm weather permitting.
    You do not need to book to use the terrace bar.

Hand sanitiser stations will be located around the building.


Please keep to the following guidelines when you are in the building:

  • Use contactless payment wherever possible.
  • Sanitise your hands when entering the building or cafe.
  • Respect social distancing according to government advice
  • Keep your ticket with you at all times
  • Do not gather in a group and respect government guidelines (link)
  • Wash or sanitize your hands frequently
  • Respect our staff who are here to keep you safe.
  • Follow the arrows for the one way route around the building.

Read here about how we are keeping you safe.



Please email us in advance if you have any queries about access.



The financial impact of being closed
for so long means we still need
your support. We are your Pavilion – please donate today.


While you are here please visit Bexhill’s shops, cafes, bars, B&Bs and Bexhill Museum