Hosted by Erica Smith and featuring Karen Arthur, Killa Kela, Jade Sullivan, Kate Bruce, Nikki Beatnik. Georgie Wheeler and more...
Coastal Currents OPEN talks. Everyone welcome!
FREE but please reserve a ticket as seats are limited.
This afternoon will be of value to anyone who wants to learn how to get involved with the festival, Open Studios, Events or even get help with applying for arts council funding to realise an idea under the banner of the festival.
From hints and tips from previous artists who have been involved through to networking opportunities and more, these events are a rare opportunity to have a relaxed atmosphere in which to get advice, tips, answers to salient questions and more.
1 – 3pm
Live ‘In Conversation’ with:
Karen Arthur
Jade Sullivan
Killa Kela
DJ Nikki Beatnik
3 – 3.30pm
Q&A with previous Coastal Currents Artists:
Georgie Wheeler
Kate Bruce
Rose Johnson
3.30 – 4pm:
Debunking Coastal Currents and how to participate. Get the best out of being part of the Festival. What is the difference between an Open Studio and an Event? Help with how to shape. fund and evaluate a project for Coastal Currents.
Bring your ideas for projects and funding applications for help, advice and pointers.
4 – 4.30:
Arts Council project grant ideas Q&A