Hosted by Kenton Lowe featuring Jim Roseveare, Rebecca Youssefi, Rowan Corkill, Mandy Curtis, Mark Daniels, Alex Brattell and more...

1 – 3pm

Live ‘In Conversation’ with:

Jim Roseveare

Rowan Corkill

Mandy Curtis

Rebecca Youssefi


3 – 3.30pm

Q&A with previous Coastal Currents Artists:

Mark Daniels

Carly Ralph

+ above


3.30 – 4pm:

Debunking Coastal Currents and how to participate. Get the best out of being part of the Festival. What is the difference between an Open Studio and an Event? Help with how to shape. fund and evaluate a project for Coastal Currents.

Bring your ideas for projects and funding applications for help, advice and pointers.


4 – 4.30pm:

Arts Council project grant ideas Q&A