An evening of tours and talks to celebrate Refugee Week 2023 presented by The De La Warr Pavilion with The Refugee Buddy Project and The Magnum Photos Foundation.
5.10pm: Curator’s tour of Mohammed Sami: The Point 0 exhibition led by Joseph Constable, Head of Exhibitions, DLWP.
5.30pm: Open Studio and Exhibition Opening: Abraham Osorio & The Young Creatives Collective. Learn more here
6.30pm Refreshments provided by local business The Syrian Lounge
6.45pm: Panel Discussion – How can the arts help us hold difficult discussions and find common ground on issues that divide us?
5-8pm. Free entry, booking essential
Guest Speakers Include:
Rossana Leal and Molly Tucker, The Refugee Buddy Project
Anna Maria Nabirye and Annie Saunders – Up in Arms
Divya Satwani – Community Impact Collective Lead for the Barbican’s Communities and Neighbourhood Team, Co-Author of the Disrupt Toolkit for Power Sharing
Shannon Ghannam – The Magnum Photos Foundation and the Peter Marlow Foundation. Facilitator of the Young Creatives Collective programme.
Young Creatives Collective:
A partnership between the De La Warr Pavilion, The Magnum Photos Foundation and The Refugee Buddy Project mentoring young people from asylum seeker, refugee and migrant backgrounds to explore their creativity and creative ambitions.
This programme is running alongside a sister project run by The Mosaic Rooms, London in partnership with New Citizen’s Gateway. The Mosaic Rooms (MR) showcases contemporary culture from the Arab world and beyond, and their Learning and Participation ambitions for 22/23 align with DLWP both aiming to support more young people to achieve and progress their creative ambitions as well as facilitating artistic workshops that support wellbeing in young people. New Citizens Gateway works to promote the wellbeing of young asylum seekers and refugees in London. The two groups are engaging with each other digitally and physically to share experiences and ambitions.