75th Birthday Party

Daily Mirror 8_300.jpg

On August Bank Holiday Monday we invite you to help us re-create one of the most famous images of the De La Warr Pavilion, taken in 1936 and printed in the Daily Mirror.

With your help we want to give a contemporary twist to this classic photograph and create an iconic image for the next 75 years. Simply turn up at the Pavilion at 2pm to be part of the crowd.

To celebrate the occasion, we have produced a print of the original Daily Mirror image as seen above. For more details click here.

We would also like to invite as many people as possible, of all ages, to make up a spontaneous “scratch” orchestra and choir to perform on the day.


The performance will be followed by tea and cakes – street-party style – and then dancing to 75 tunes for 75 years until the evening, performed by DJ NIKKI BEATNIK.

The photograph will be taken by top London photographer Sheila Burnett who has captured images of big arts events throughout her 30 year career, as well as taking portrait shots of many of this country’s leading actors and TV stars. www.sheilaburnett-photography.com

Mike Hatchard, Hastings-based composer and musician has agreed to led the “scratch” orchestra on the day. Many people will know Mike as “musician-round-town” who appeared in a series of Sunday Morning Sessions at the Pavilion last year.

The Urban Shadows, one of the UK’s top Parkour troupes will take over the role of the “Daily Mirror Eight” giving us breathtaking  display of gravity-defying feats. www.weareusforum.co.uk/forum/index.php

To find out more information about taking part in the photograph or performing in the choir and orchestra please register on 75party@dlwp.com

Please note: you do not have to perform to be part of the photograph – but please stay for the party.

For information on how to become an anniversary Patron of the De La Warr Pavilion call 01424 229 118

Big Spin 2008


Latest News:

Spectacular edition to Big Spin 2008 – BALL OF STEEL

Rumiko Junior & Gorilla booked to play at Big Spin 2008

This year the Big Spin focus is on skateboarding as well as BMX. Come and ride a mobile ramp system installed by Tribe Skate with demos, competitions, coaching for beginners and loads of prizes and free giveaways.
With live music on the bandstand, Big Spin once again brings the best of skate and BMX culture to the Pavilion for one day only.

In the evening we’ll be showing legendary skateboard movie Dogtown & Z-Boys on the side of the building.

Don’t miss it!