Event types: Workshops & Activities
Family Drop-In: Photo Collaging
The Weather in the Window: Exploring Queer Domesticities
Art Sundays: Sun Wands
Sunset Screenings 2024
Reading Group: Exploring the work of Katherine McKittrick
Make/Remake – A Day of Sculptural Exploration
Textile Mapping Workshop
Join artist Rebecca Bellantoni for a personal mapping session in the space. During this workshop we will
look at the personal mapping techniques used in my textile works and beyond into my practice,
extending them to your own experiences. Each person attending will use their own spatial, emotional
and active journeys to develop and make a small textile work that maps significant places, people and
experiences in their own lives.
We will be utilising embroidery, assemblage and collage so please feel free to bring any small object or
fragment that you may like to make a part of your own work.