My final session with the Lecky show was crammed with people, both in the galleries and crawling all over the Rhizomic Drawing in the auditorium foyer. I had great fun. I think everyone else did too. By the end of the afternoon, there were so many people working on the giant piece of paper that there was barely space to to weald a pen. IMG_4800A favourite moment was seeing three generations of a family all lined up on the floor, drawing in unison.IMG_4796

The final piece, after three sessions of work, was full of lush moments:IMG_4813IMG_4809IMG_4817IMG_4819IMG_4822IMG_4826Alas there is not enough space here to do it all justice.

Meanwhile…in a gallery not far away…my excellent assistants, Sophie and Lizzie, were eliciting voices from the objects on display through the imagination of the visitors:

img-1-small480Boli, Mali: ” Some people think I’m a camel…some people think I’m a cow. I don’t know – I don’t have a head.”

Nissan Design Centre, clay concept car, 2012: “I should be chocolate”

Mark Leckey's Felix the Cat at De La Warr PavilionInflated Felix the Cat: “I’m melting…! I’m melting…!”

William Blake death mask: “I have learnt to silence your screams.”

538740983_oWurlitzer Sideman drum machine: “Desolate life, the life of machine. beating, repeating, monotonous dream. Looking alive, sounding alive, much different from you? Thinking…not you…that’s me!”

Singing gargoyle: “Maybe if I keep shouting, someone will hear me?”

And so on, and so on.

May all these restless beings dream in peace…!

Posted by Ryan Coleman on Saturday 31 August 2013