A buzzy Sunday at the dlwp and the Lift the Lid session was pretty busy all afternoon. Grandparents happily spent time constructing and helping their granchildren realise improbable ideas and fantastic forms inspired by Yass’s Soveriegn Lighthouse photographs and other images of lighthouses. The lure of cardboard boxes and masking tape was strong and the desire to design, cut, build, stick and colour the lighthouses was experienced by all ages.

Watercolour painting which allowed a range of brushes to create watery shapes and patterns was also popular with parents and children – all sloshing filmy blues and greens across the paper, seeing the sea as something dreamy and insubstantial.

A productive session with many keen and able participants all inspired by the Catherine Yass exhibition to make marks, shapes and forms which refelcted her unique view of the sea and man made structures.

Posted by Ryan Coleman on Wednesday 10 August 2011