Lots of keen and focussed people turned up to the last summer Lift The Lid session . . . to enjoy a bit of skipping, stretching and drawing, balancing or playing with spots.

The young people from Pestalozzi were very determined to balance on one leg for as along as possible and once one of them got going, others joined in all wanting to beat the ten minute record.


Skipping was popular with most children and some were quite determined to get into a good rythmical flow . Even the young and not-quite-co-ordinated-yet got the hang of waving the rope up and down whilst jiggling around on the spot – the youngest being around 18 months – she was very good at counting too !


The drawing with restraint, ie standing behind a line and leaning in as far as possible, also proved popular with mums and dad’s and children all stretching and groaning to make marks on the paper.


while others took a more leisurely approach….


This lovely, lively image, made by a young girl on the drawing table conjures up all the energy and movement required to skip and she carefully depicted the ropes journey as the skipper frantically leaped over her rope.


And finally one very determined young girl came into the session late in the afternoon and after scrutinising all the times for balancing set out to beat the ten minute record. She achieved  an amazing 11 minutes standing poised like a gymnast !

Posted by Ryan Coleman on Wednesday 5 September 2012