Lift The Lid
Another busy Lift The Lid family session with more photography in it this time. Titled “Remix 2” and building on the previous session, participants were asked to take a clipboard into the exhibition or go around the building and sketch or write down objects and colours that appealed to them. They could then make these elements into an original picture using pencils and collage.
They could also go off with one of the Pavilion’s digital cameras (but not into the gallery as photography is not allowed in Myth, Manners and Memory). Children aged from about 6 to 10 proved very adept at producing well composed pictures then critically editing them down to the four they were allowed to print out (so the queue for the laptop didn’t get too long and the thirsty printer didn’t run dry).
Our youngest artist was a very fast crawler and chose performance art as her medium, using masking tape and scrunched up balls of paper and chewing pencils to great effect.
Here are some of the works produced in the three hour session.
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }
Thanks to all who took part and to our excellent volunteers Corin Smith, Nik Medhurst and Ben Wade.
Thanks also to the anonymous angry person who began his/her comment on the last Lift The Lid of 3rd October “I think that this is not art, if it was art it would need skill, this is not skill, a five year old could do better!!!” (Please add your own comment using the link below).
Posted by Ryan Coleman on Sunday 7 November 2010