Friday 21 September, 12 noon – 8pm
PARK(ing) Day is an annual global event where artists, activists and citizens collaborate to call attention to the potential of the urban landscape by transforming pre-paid parking spaces into sites for creative experimentation, political and cultural expression, and unscripted social interaction.
As part of the Dear Serge programme* and Coastal Currents Festival 2018, we are inviting proposals from artists, designers, performers and local community groups to consider what is the range of possibilities for creativity in a space usually dedicated to the storage of a private vehicle?
Since PARK(ing) Day’s inception, launched by Rebar Art and Design Studio in San Francisco in 2005, this open-source project has been adapted to address a variety of social issues in urban contexts by thousands of people around the world. Participants, guided by common core principles, have built interventions ranging from urban farming and ecology demonstrations, ping-pong parks, busking platforms, art installations and a free bike repair shop. Click here to see the PARK(ing) Day manual.
If you are interested in applying, please fill in an application form describing your proposal to reconfigure a parking space in the De La Warr Pavilion car park, from 12 noon – 8 pm on Friday 21 September 2018. Note that most of the parking spaces are approximately 480 x 240 cm. Click here to see aerial view of the car park.
Download Application form (PDF) here
Download Application form (Word Doc) here
Please send your completed proposal form and no more than 4 relevant images/links to, no later than 6pm Monday 20 August 2018. Proposals will be selected by a panel and successful applicants will be informed by Thursday 23 August.
*Dear Serge is an interdisciplinary programme strand with an experimental and innovative spirit that bridges a diverse spectrum of music, performance, and visual arts. Inspiring installations, intriguing interventions and engaging live events generate dialogue between art forms throughout the De La Warr Pavilion building and surrounds. Serge Chermayeff was the visionary architect who designed the De La Warr Pavilion’s extraordinary interior. Dear Serge is a letter to him, written across the page of the building.
Posted by Tara Neville on Thursday 26 July 2018