Circular mirrors, escape hatches and forensic tilts…

The  DLWP has become  Site Lines new co creative lab space for July,  and the reason why will travel further today as a group, as four parts of a moving body, seeking  to navigate and disturb the building as a body…

‘Invertebrate’ and ‘Indifferent Deep’ offers us ‘an exploration of edges, borders, what can pass through, and between, and what happens underneath’ and this is our starting point…


We trace Invertebrate over three levels and from the roof space someone says ‘it reminds me of the stove pipes, seen in Syrian houses that are heated by oil’.

Slow walking around the gallery space, we are four parts, weaving through the sculptures, noting the spaces in between, through and below.  A private sensing in a  public space…we are a body within a body.

We explore through the eye of the camera (mobile phone) and our sensing eye. We move from exterior  to interior spaces, leaning, arching, looking up, down and glancing sideways. We become archaeologists, peering through the layers, and physicians, as we stand in front of illuminated intestines.

Moving  to the roof, casting aside our masks, we take deep breaths, look at the sea, taste long distance. We return to the gallery space, with three round mirrors, our instruments for the day.


With these mirrors, we start to move and create circular escape hatches, new openings. We fracture, create and disturb the space…so much can be done without touching…Its challenging, and the beginning of our creative lab…


Keep up with Nicole’s blog here, for updates from behind the artist’s eyes.


Posted by Luke on Wednesday 7 July 2021