Talent Accelerator is a programme which aims to get young people across East Sussex passionate about and into work in our thriving Creative Industries.

Talent Accelerator  is a programme that supports young people (aged 5 to 25) into creative careers in East Sussex. This is done through raising understanding of the range of jobs available in the creative industries, developing high quality work experience, developing opportunities for skills development and expanding what creative businesses and cultural organisations can offer young people.

Kim Byford is the Talent Accelerator Project Manager. Whether you are a young person, school, college or a creative industry keen to work with young people but don’t know where to start, Kim can provide the best advice for you – free of charge!

Email her at talentacc@dlwp.com.


Learn more about the programme in this short video with Kim Byford, or head to our FAQs section to read what Talent Accelerator is all about.


Who is Talent Accelerator for?

All young people 5-25 across East Sussex (excluding Brighton & Hove) who are interested in careers in the Creative Industries.

How will it help a young person looking for a career in the creative industries?

Connecting young people to the support they need to move to the next stage of their creative career this could be *Highlighting opportunities to develop skills *Connecting you to work experience/placements in creative businesses/cultural organisations *Accrediting your experiences with digital badges so that you can clearly show the skills that you have gained *Identifying training/apprenticeships to help you to gain the skills needed.

How can a young person get involved? Does it cost anything?

Follow us on Instagram @talentaccelerator_ to see what we are up to or get in touch talentacc@dlwp.com The project has no cost involved for the young people involved.

How can the creative industries get involved?

Do you have a creative project for young people that would benefit from input from Talent Accelerator?  Does your business wants to support the next generation of creatives but are struggling to work out how? Get in touch and we can talk about the support available to help you realise this ambition.

Starting off by signing up for East Sussex Careers hub Open Doors scheme to show young people inside your place of work. The creative industries can be mysterious and many of the jobs it offers aren’t widely known about. The careers hub also have Enterprise Advisors and Industry Champions who bridge the gap between industry and education-participation is on a volunteer basis around the time you are able to offer.  The next stage would be offering work experience/placements these can be briefs set by a creative business/cultural organisation to be completed in school/college or a more formal in person placement over an academic year. Consider an overhaul of your approach to employing young people-do you have space for an apprentice?

How can schools get involved?

If you are a school/college/organisation working with young people who haven’t yet joined the conversation, please get in touch to see how we could work together to support young people in East Sussex into creative careers.

Talent Accelerator can offer Creative Careers assemblies for primary and secondary schools to help you meet the requirements of the Gatsby benchmarks. These are bespoke for the school and are available for delivery to full year groups, classes or out of school provision groups. Workshops are available for colleges to support young people to identify how to get a creative career started including the training/support they need. Currently we are working hard to develop the range of creative industries work experience that is on offer across East Sussex and can work with schools/college to develop placements that match the requirements of your students. This can be in work placements or through a facilitated in school/college project. Finally we are working with a number of partners to offer high quality skills development activities for young people that support and extend what is on offer in curriculum. If you aren’t already in conversation with us we would love to hear from you.