

We are delighted to announce that the winner of Platform Graduate Award 2015 is Tom Heatley from Brighton University. Tom was put forward by the De La Warr Pavilion for the Award and his work has been shown in the rooftop foyer and around the building throughout September and October.

tom heatley picture

The Platform Graduate Award is where one graduate artist from five South East galleries is put forward to be considered for a £2500 bursary and a year’s mentoring by and arts professional.

The galleries are Margate’s Turner Contemporary, Portsmouth’s Aspex, Bexhill’s De La Warr Pavilion, Milton Keynes’ MK Gallery and Oxford’s Modern Art Oxford, and the Award is an initiative from CVAN (Contemporary Visual Art Network South East). Each organisation selected graduates from within their immediate geographical reach for their exhibitions.

The 2015 artists were :

Tom Heatley, University of Brighton, chosen by De La Warr Pavilion

Amelia Marsh, Winchester School of Art, chosen by Aspex

Deborah Mills, Buckinghamshire New University, chosen by MK Gallery

Emily Willey, University of Reading, chosen by Modern Art Oxford

David Vargas, University for the Creative Arts, chosen by Turner Contemporary

Winner Tom Heatley’s series of images, The Sculptors, and their unique installation, resolve a personal uncertainty for the artist over the decision to pursue photography in place of sculpture. Using the University of Brighton’s sculpture department as his studio, the project illuminates Heatley’s three dimensional inclinations through documents of incidental sculptures, still life and staged constructions.

heatley installation blog

Tim Heatley installation shot 2


For further information please contact Cara Courage on

Posted by Ryan Coleman on Monday 2 November 2015