WELCOME BACK! DLWP reopens 23 July
We are delighted to welcome you back to the De La Warr Pavilion again from Friday 23 July.
Stewart Drew, Director and CEO says:
“We are very excited to welcome you back to the Pavilion!
We are so grateful for the emergency funding from Arts Council England and Rother District Council that allows us to bring back some of the team and reopen the Pavilion, the galleries, the cafe, terrace bar and shop for our visitors this summer.
Of course we have had to make a number of changes so that you can enjoy your visit as much as possible whilst still keeping safe, and these may have to change again according to government advice. The opening times will be different and you will have to book your free ticket in advance for general admission. At the moment we have just released the first two weeks. Everything you need to know is listed below.
We hope that when you visit us you will also go into Bexhill to support the local shops, cafes and B&Bs and find time to visit Bexhill Museum, which opened last week.
It is important that we work with our partners to start to reopen the region and boost its economy. Our Coastal Culture Trail partner Towner Eastbourne and our England’s Creative Coast partner Turner Contemporary are both reopening next week and you can read here how 1066 Country is ready to welcome visitors in a safe way.
Thank you for your patience and generosity during this very challenging time. The impact of closure for so long means we still need your support. Spending money in the building or making a donation when you book your free ticket will make a real difference to us.
We very much look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks.”
THE BUILDING : Opening times
Wednesday to Sunday
(closed Monday and Tuesday)
Book here for General Admission: FREE
Booking opens 10am Monday 20 July
You will need to book a timeslot in advance
10am – 12 noon
12.30 – 2.30pm
3pm – 4pm
CAFÉ BAR: Opening times
Wednesday to Sunday (closed Monday and Tuesday)
10am – 12noon, Drinks, homemade cakes & pastries
12.30 – 2.30pm Lunch service only
3 – 4pm (last orders 3.30pm): Drinks, homemade cakes
Your General Admission ticket will give you entry to the Café Bar. Please wait until a table becomes available.
Table service only.
Please wait outside the Café Bar until you are called to a table.
TERRACE BAR : Opening times
Friday, Saturday, Sunday only
10am – 4pm, weather permitting
Serving hot, cold and alcoholic drinks, homemade cakes, pastries and savouries.
(Take away or sit outside – no need to book. However, if you wish to come into the building you will need to book a General Admission ticket in advance)
GALLERIES : Opening times as per your timeslot
Zadie Xa: Child of Magohlmi and The Echoes Of Creation
Read more here
Marc Bauer: Mal Etre/Performance
Read more here
Selling DLWP mugs, plates, coasters, books, cards, prints, jewellery and home accessories.
Music’s Not Dead
Bexhill’s independent record store has a new home in our foyer.
Please keep to the following guidelines when you are in the building:
Please do not come into the building if you are showing any symptoms of coronavirus.
- Use contactless payment wherever possible.
- Sanitise your hands when entering the building or cafe.
- Respect social distancing according to government advice
- Keep your ticket with you at all times
- Do not gather in a group and respect government guidelines (link)
- Wash or sanitize your hands frequently
- Respect our staff who are here to keep you safe.
- Follow the arrows for the one way route around the building.
Read here to find out how we are keeping you safe
Posted by sally on Friday 17 July 2020