Promoting health in mind, body & soul
Promoting health in mind, body & soul
One of the founding principles of the modernist De La Warr Pavilion, opened in 1935, was to promote health in mind, body and soul. It’s construction was partly funded by the Ministry of Health, which at that time, was keen to support projects that promoted the good health of the nation.
Delivering positive outcomes on health and wellbeing is more imperative than ever before. The crises in social care and mental health, as well as an aging and atomised population have landed on the cultural sector in recent years, and evidence suggests arts-based approaches can help people to stay well, recover faster, manage long-term conditions and experience a better quality of life*.
At DLWP, we recognize the significant contribution the arts, culture and creativity can make to our health and wellbeing. We harness our progressive pro-social heritage, encouraging cultural engagement and creative ways to wellbeing to combat social inequalities and develop healthier communities and better futures.
*All- Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing Inquiry July 2017
The De La Warr Pavilion is a dementia-friendly organisation and our staff pledge to be Dementia Friends.